Stopping Drinking and Maintaining Sobriety

Is it easy to stop drinking alcohol on your own?
It is very difficult to look for methods and techniques on how to stop drinking alcohol which is suitable in one individual's condition. As we all know, the programs which are suitable for a certain alcoholics do not necessarily mean that it may be also suitable for another person. In choosing a stop drinking program or alcohol treatment, we should be aware and we should consider to access first the real condition which will be applied to the It may take a while for you to finally find a stop drinking program which can provide you the best alcohol treatments in regards to stopping drinking alcohol. But do not get discourage when this happens. Continue your plans and pursue your dreams of becoming an alcohol free person. Never think the negative side. Remember that in order to beat the habit you must constantly focus on how you can stop drinking on your own.

If you are hooked to alcohol for a long, long, long period of time and you think that drinking too much alcohol damages part of you life, if not you whole life, you are on the right track. This situation can be a good starting point if you are thinking of stopping drinking on your own. Nevertheless, you might want to motivate your self with all the damages that have been occurring from time to time whenever you are under the influence of the spirit of drunkenness or after being drunk last night.

Although drinking alcohol is mainly done for pleasure and joy, it is one of the most serious problems nowadays. If the body is screaming for alcohol and if you do not drink for one day, you have a disease, and it is called alcoholism.

Many of us who work with wine is very aware of the harm alcohol can cause. Physical hazards with high alcohol consumption over time can be among liver damage, diabetes, problems with the pancreas, abnormal hormone levels, impotence, and increased risk of cancer. The mental harm may be even more widespread than the physical. Memory loss, learning disabilities and anxiety is not abnormal in an alcoholic. In addition, there is greater risk of accidents and increased use of violence.

Relatives of the alcoholic are often exposed to the worst strains. The alcoholic does not even notice the damage he inflicts his closest. He or she is only concerned with themselves and do not understand how painful it is to watch someone you love perish.

Alcohol addiction is a growing problem. Young people are highly dependent, and a 15-year-old can become dependent after 3-weeks of intense partying. This is alarming in light of the fact that today's young debuting earlier than before and takes increasing amounts of alcohol.

We live in times where there is an often gathering where alcohol is served. Mass media brings more news about alcohol's beneficial health effects, and then it's easy to end up on the borderline between a normal consumption and abuse. If your immediate viewing your alcohol consumption as a problem, take it seriously even though you see it quite problematic even.

If you are thinking of stopping drinking, you should prepare yourself to the big fight of your life. For more alcohol addiction and stop drinking tips, click the link above.


Helping your Partner to Stop Drinking Alcohol

The question is: "I think my partner is an alcoholic. How can I encourage and help him to stop drinking alcohol?"

First and foremost, you must consider that any bad situation will affect not only the alcoholic but also the rest of the family.

You should thoroughly study the habits of your partner to reach the conclusion that he has a drinking problem. Secondly, it is your duty to know what things intervene in the situation. If you've reached the conclusion that his illness is real you should be responsible for taking action. If you are wondering if your partner has already some "signs of addiction to alcohol", then you must take actions as soon as possible.
Clearly differentiate those who enjoy an alcoholic beverage from others that they need to drink: Is it also fun if you or he is not drunk? Drinking glasses in a hurry not after the taste of liquor but only the effects is able to maintain are abstinent, for example, in the case of taking medication incompatible with alcohol?. That is, we should hasten our understanding of consumption and drinking patterns established: drink alone or with others? Do not remember what he did? You also take drugs with the drink?

When do we know we should stop drinking? Do you have close relatives who also suffered problems with alcohol (genetic factors)? Did you start to drink at weekends but now has spread to other days? Says that only but his does drink beer in large quantities especially if he is under the conditions of anxiety and / or problems or escape from reality with low tolerance for frustrations and misery. All this is to let him see the patient. But more about certain situations that we must confront the alcoholic and ask them what they need. We should also remind them continuously to push their fight against alcoholism to constantly motivate them in the procedure.

Do you tend to blame others for their own failures especially to one's partner? Do not blame them and put it on their own responsibilities. Would not accept that part of their problems stem from his addiction to drink? This is no time to criticize such attitudes but also to assume the responsibilities left vacant and the other "cover up" their judgments, that the confrontation would only delay the problem of alcoholism. Check the exact location, frequency and quantities that their partner drinks. If necessary, you may want to write them a letter to confront these data in presence of a therapist. Search for a therapist and going to convince her to seek treatment. At other times a secondary problem may require for professional help in order to help your partner stop drinking alcohol.

The author writes articles about proper techniques on stopping drinking. You may want to visit his blog to fully understand how you can give up the habit for good.


The Alcohol Withdrawal on Alcoholism

This article is a part of a research study done for Stop Drinking Alcohol Blog about alcohol withdrawal syndrome on alcoholism.

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms or Syndromes on Alcoholism
In contemporary society, the recreational use of alcohol has spread through all areas of society and is accepted in many cultures as an inclusive and festive custom. But with the increase of this consumption has also emerged a complex public health problem: dependence and addiction to alcohol (alcoholism), a disease with serious health consequences of the addict and to his family and social environment. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), between 40 and 60 per cent of deaths from injuries in Europe are related to alcohol (alcoholism).

Addiction to alcohol, although still considered wrong as a matter of lack of will or character, is a disease entity that escapes the control of the patient and requires treatment to stop drinking and compulsive consumption of this substance. The treatment of alcohol, under this view, faces major obstacles to the recovery of the patient withdrawal.

The alcohol withdrawal symptoms (abstinence syndrome) occur because once in the brain, alcohol affects chemicals called neurotransmitters that control the flow of information between brain cells called neurons, linked by synapses, and that this neuro-adaptation causes pathological alcohol, end affecting the behavior, thoughts and feelings of people.

With chronic alcohol consumption, these neurotransmitters are affected and the brain undergoes a change in its structure and functions, so that can only operate "normally" with the presence of alcohol. The person whose brain is accustomed to alcohol needs to increase more and more consumption (tolerance) for the purposes of the first times I drank, with the result that to abruptly stop drinking, brain disorders caused crop for consumption and that were hidden by the apparent "normality". These disorders, which cause withdrawal symptoms decrease or disappear only when drinking alcohol again. For this reason it is difficult for an addict to stop drinking alcohol when they know that finding relief for withdrawal due to alcohol consumption.

Symptoms of Withdrawal Syndrome in Alcoholism When Stopping Drinking
Symptoms of withdrawal are the opposite of the pharmacological effects of alcohol consumption. As noted above, alcohol inhibits the activity of central nervous system and therefore produces sedation. During withdrawal the central nervous system is experiencing the opposite effect: they increase the active processes while the processes are diminished depressants. These changes produce an overactive central nervous system pain is experienced by the patient, such as withdrawal.

This over activation, which has been observed in clinical trials in patients with mild withdrawal symptoms, is experienced sympathetic nervous system hyperactivity and an increase, which can be toxic to nerve cells, production of hormones such as cortisol and norepinephrine. It is seen, even in people who abuse alcohol only occasionally, that the hangover of the "morning after" is actually a mild form of withdrawal symptoms while the amount of alcohol in the blood decreases.

In some patients who have a lower chemical dependency, alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be so "soft" and experience tremors, sweating, nausea, headaches, anxiety or increased heart rate and blood pressure. Although these alcohol withdrawal symptoms are uncomfortable, are not necessarily dangerous. But are often accompanied by a strong desire or craving to consume more alcohol, so the decision to continue abstinence or to stop drinking is much more difficult.

Furthermore, and very often when there is heavy drinking, hallucinations may be experienced between six and forty-eight hours after you stop drinking. They are usually visual hallucinations but may include sounds and smells, and can last from hours to weeks. Also in this period of leave or give up alcohol consumption, seizures can occur. These symptoms can lead to delirium tremens.

The alcohol withdrawal such as delirium tremens commonly begins between 48 and 72 hours after the last intake of alcohol and is preceded by early symptoms of withdrawal, although these may be masked or delayed by other diseases or medications. Signs of sympathetic hyperactivity (tachycardia, hypertension, fever and excessive sweating) are often deep and are the leading brands of delirium tremens, along with others as profound confusion, disorientation and severe cardiovascular disorders. Once the delirium tremens begins, there may be very severe seizures, heart attacks and strokes that can be fatal. The death rate is between 1% and 5%, and increases with a late diagnosis of alcoholism, inadequate treatment and concurrent medical conditions.

For these reasons, an alcohol detox treatment without proper medical management and appropriate level of nursing care are a high risk to health and even life of people dependent on alcohol. Moreover, repeated withdrawal symptoms and without proper treatment could have future withdrawal symptoms more severe. Many researchers believe that alcoholics can not stop drinking and relapse, should receive drug therapy to control withdrawal symptoms and reduce the risk of possible attacks and brain damage to stop drinking without pain.


Stop Drinking Tips

Just like may alcoholics, I experienced many sufferings while in the process of stopping drinking alcohol. But just like few individuals who managed to beat alcoholism, I am now enjoying life without alcohol. I just want to spread the good words about the possibilities of getting out of alcohol addiction. I just want to share my ideas I've learned while doing and after I stopped drinking alcohol.

If you want to stop drinking and regain full control of your life, you must be willing to undergo alcoholism treatments and you should seek help in terms of programs to stop alcohol addiction and alcohol withdrawal symptoms. There are lots of available alcohol cure in the country which will be your effective ways to treat alcoholism and will help you to stop alcohol from ruining your life and the lives of your loved ones. There are different kinds of stop drinking procedures in the form of natural medicine or involving certain amount of drugs to reduce pains and sufferings while withdrawing from alcohol.

Getting enroll into an alcohol rehabilitation center or facility is the most common type of alcohol treatment as it involves many tricks to stop drinking programs which can be useful in getting rid of the habit. They have alcoholism experts who will guide an alcoholic to a state of recovery and will give total information about avoiding relapse and setbacks. Alcohol rehabilitation programs are programs which will introduce to a chronic drinker who want to stop drinking alcohol. If you are a heavy drinker you might have hooked to alcoholism for a long time thus you need to undergo treatment by means of alcohol rehabilitation facilities to ensure safety while getting out of alcohol addiction.

If you wish to stop drinking cold turkey, you may do it on your own but be sure to secure an advice from alcoholism experts to get the best result as possible. Before going into a cold turkey procedure, seek an advice from medical experts and be guided accordingly to get the best results. These programs can be useful if combine with strong determination and willpower. You may experience alcohol withdrawal symptoms but these signs are temporary and should not interrupt your goals to stop drinking alcohol.

Think about having an alcohol free life instead of considering all the negative feelings while giving up alcohol. IF you want to get out of that terrible habit, you must be well prepared and well motivated to prevent you from drinking again.

Admit that you need help and ignore all things related to alcohol to maintain sobriety for the rest of your life. Avoid hanging out with your drinking buddies but instead seek friendship from like minded friends who will understand your condition and situation.

Keep your mind busy all the time to stop thinking about drinking again. You may want to engage into some activities which will make your mind busy. Just remember not to feel bored and depressed to avoid thinking about alcohol. Depression is sometimes the root of alcoholism and we want to prevent that from happening.

You may also like to engage into physical activities to promote healthy lifestyle. Activities like running every morning will not only make you busy but will make you physically fit as well. Do it everyday as it will make you stop drinking alcohol.

Eat a well balanced diet while stopping drinking. You need extra energy while in the process of withdrawing because your body will sure experience fatigue and anxiety. You may want to strengthen your immune system to allow the body tolerates all the symptoms related to alcoholism.

When you decide to stop drinking alcohol, you need all the help you can get in order to beat alcoholism and deal with all the negative feelings related to alcohol. You can get out easily if your system and your body are prepared for the big fight in your life. Always think positive as it will help you achieve your goal and live a life worth living.


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